Toddler Chefs

| August 21, 2017

Our theme this past week was “Top Chef.”  We learned all about healthy foods and how eating healthy foods will help us grow strong, smart and keep us healthy.  For our craft this week, we made pizzas!  We painted red “sauce” on brown construction paper circles, then added paper pizza toppings.  We also had fun making real food!  We made smoothies.  The toddlers all helped put bananas, frozen strawberries and orange juice into the blender, then watched as Ms. Lindsay turned on the blender and mixed it all up into a tasty smoothie.  We ended the week with our school-wide Montessori Top Chef Competition.  The theme for the competition was “Desserts” and each of the classes made a different dessert.  Our Toddler 2 class made a layered cookies and creme crumble.  Ms. Lindsay put chocolate chip cookies in bags, and each of the toddlers got to squeeze the bags to break up the cookies into crumbles.  Then we layered the cookie crumbles between layers of whipped cream, which the toddlers helped scoop into the bowl.  Even though our dessert was really tasty, sadly we did not win the competition.  Ms. Maddy’s class won the competition with their banana split sundaes.

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Category: Toddler Room 2

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