Toddlers love Campfire Sounds

| June 17, 2016

This week for our Summer Themes we had Outside Sounds. In Toddler Room 1, we listened to vehicle sounds that we may hear outside. We played a sound game that we had to identify which vehicle the sound came from. When the fire truck sound came on, all of the toddlers ran to the window to see if they could spot a fire truck. Our toddlers also enjoyed splash day again this week. We made a campfire (out of construction paper) and heard campfire sounds. We roasted some marshmallows. We then listened to weather sounds and made rain sticks. We decorated our rain sticks with our favorite colors and stickers. We also made Happy Father’s Day necktie cards. IMG_1828 IMG_1839 IMG_1863 IMG_1871 IMG_1884 IMG_1898This was also our friend, Kaelin’s last week in our school. We had a big hug day on Friday and we are very sad to see him leave.

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Category: Toddler, Toddler Room 1

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