Toddlers love Unicorns

| March 4, 2016

IMG_0579We changed our bulletin board for the month to represent Spring Time beginning. This week in Toddler Room 1, we went over the letter U! Unicorns was our toddlers favorite topic! We read a book on unicorns and talked about how they were like horses but in bright beautiful colors and magical. Our toddlers enjoyed painting our unicorns either pink or purple paint that had glitter included. Our toddlers were allowed to choose which color they wanted their unicorns.IMG_0631 We then used our fine motor skills and glue yellow horns onto of unicorns on top of their heads. Our toddlers also talked about Umbrellas and how we use them for the rain! We painted our umbrellas and used our fingers to make blue rain drops. Lastly we talked about Up. We sang songs abut airplanes flying up in the sky. We also used bubbles to show our toddlers how they flow up in the air. Our last art project was making hot air balloons that fly up in the sky. IMG_0587

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Category: Toddler, Toddler Room 1

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