Under the Sea

| May 20, 2016

UNDER THE SEA! This week in Toddler Room 1, our theme had everything to do with the ocean and the sea. We read several books on different animals that resided in the water. We had an activity which we imitated how each of our favorite animals swam! We had each toddler case between three sea animals (crab, fish, and octopus) and they were able to craft it. The toddlers had a blast at water play with sea animals! We used our fine motor skills to use our net to scoop up different animals during water play. We also talked a lot about the color BLUE because it is the color of our Ocean and Sea Water. The Toddlers enjoyed making Ocean Sensory Bottles and Ocean Sensory Bags. We put some of our favorite animals in the bottles and bagsIMG_1326 IMG_1335 IMG_1354 IMG_1371 IMG_1378. We also made Ocean fish bowls where each toddlers had a choice of animals to place on their paintings! Also, during ur busy week, we celebrated our friend, Madison’s Birthday.

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Category: Toddler, Toddler Room 1

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