Up in the sky

| August 12, 2016

This week we focused on things we see in the sky. It was a great opportunity to use our senses to see and hear things that were in the sky. As a group we made a list of everything we saw. It was a fairly calm day, so clouds were a popular answer. We also read a book about a rocket ship andjjjjonah airplanes. The airplane book was a huge success because it explained what gilders, hot air balloons and rescue planes are. We had a wonderful time looking at pictures of different clouds and practice saying their names. We learned cirrus, cumulus, strata, nimbus and the favorite cumulonimbus. We learned about those clouds the day we had the thunder storm! Our craft this week was making clouds using cotton balls and kites with sponges. The children are quite proud of their work . It will be available to take home next Friday.

This week and the next will be all about trying to get back into the school curriculum year routine.  You might notice some adjustments being made to the room (one being the name circles tapped to the floor) this is just to reestablish some order and get us back into the circle time mind set. I will be starting to have snack time at our usual morning time of 830 am. Snack time ends when everyone is finished which usually takes 15-20 minutes. If you arrive after nine in the morning, we will no longer serve snack. Lunch will promptly be served at 11.

Thank you for helping our class get back into routine, for your encouragement and support.


CH 1-2


Category: Transition Room 2

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