we are having so much “D”og-gone fun!

| May 12, 2016

This week in our wonderful room we started the letter “Dd” we colored ducks and thought about what words start with “Dd”. We reviewed A-D and we looked at the difference between BIG and LITTLE letters. For science Wednesday we looked at our sunflower seeds that we sprouted over the last week in our cabinet- WE THEN GOT TO PLANT THEM OUTSIDE IN OUR FLOWER BOX! We got to play with our chickens with Mr.Allen outside…We got to pet, play and CHASE them around! On the hot afternoons we get to enjoy yummy ice-pops! To finish off the week… WE WILL ENJOY OUR PJ DAY ON FUN FRIDAY!

Much LOVE,

Miss.Tori && Miss.Olivia
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