Weather Wonderland

| February 26, 2018

What a great week talking about weather!

As usual on Mondays, we got to do some new works/books/puzzles that Ms. Maddy found over the weekend.

We also celebrated Ethan’s walk around the sun.

A fun way to paint rain on our umbrellas using straws to drop the paint!

Making our own clouds with white paint and cotton balls!

We investigated what would melt in the sun…ice? a lego block?

clouds, rain and the sun all come together to create a rainbow!!!

We made a cloud in a jar!

Yoga is so peaceful.

Soon we’ll have a new Farmer’s Market.

We love painting so much.

phonetics fun with puddle jump musical letters!!!

Ms. Maddy brought back some new pastels from her mountain trip.


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Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2, Uncategorized

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