Week of Nature

| September 26, 2016

In Children’s House 2-1 we enjoyed our weekly music lesion with Miss Marcia. Our students love organizational-skillsto express themselves artistically, and music is such a large part of this expression.

We read the stories of “The Tree Little Pigs” and “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”. We acted out the stories and took turns playing the different characters.

learning-wordsWe are now able to identify the letters in our names! Everyday we practice writing our names on our white erase board. We played a game using the sounds that letters make by coloring the correct letters using a color key. We are also working on recognizing both upper and lower case letters.

In our science class, we learned how to make a Fallmaking-sensory-jug Sensory jar by using oil, water , leaves and food coloring. We also did Fall Tree Art using our hand prints and cut out paper leaves from construction paper.

Our friend, Elsa, share her book “Miss Nelson is Missing” and we all enjoyed reading it together.

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Category: Preschool Room 1

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