Welcome and Halloween

| November 16, 2015

Our first week in our new classroom was a wonderfully spooky one.   We added spiders to our tong sorting work, made construction paper jack o’ lanterns and a giant spider web of hand print spiders.  To start our week’s reading we talked about real and pretend.  We made a list of spooky things and talked about the difference between spooky and scary. We read several silly Halloween stories, mostly featuring skeletons. On Thursday we learned the folk song Dem Bones, danced to both it and the Hokey and Pokey and learned about our real skeletons.  On Tuesday we read a children’s version of the Persephone myth and on Wednesday we sampled a pomegranate. Actually, we dissected a pomegranate and all our children refused to sample even one bite. Perhaps they were paying attention and learning from Persephone’s mistake.  We talked about harvest celebrations and fall crops; we’ll be revisiting the same crops: apples, pumpkins and corn when Thanksgiving rolls around in a month. Friday our entire school paraded in our costumes and had parties in our classroom and on the playground. We were grateful for a sunny day. 579

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