Welcome back!

| January 6, 2016

Three days into the new school year and we are already right back into the swing of things… But first I want to take a look back and share some of our holiday memories. On the last day before winter break, (the ever popular “pajama day”) we only had two friends show up for school so it was a quiet, calm day.










I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday with family and friends. We spent a quiet one mostly at home with a just a couple of gatherings on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.

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And then before I knew it, Monday showed up and we were back at school… Besides the usual lessons and works, we soon turned ourselves to some fun creative art. After all, we need to redecorate our room after stripping everything down and sending it home at the end of the year. First we painted with sponges on a stick. Ms. Maddy cleaned out her storage area over the break so we got a lot of new stuff and “interesting” (questionable) art supplies. Next we worked on a group mural, the ever popular mixed media collage that gives us practice with cutting, gluing, and painting.










One of the best things we do in the Montessori classroom is work cycle. With all the new works, we are kept very busy. Today was puzzle mania…

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Last but not least, I wanted to share some cute pictures from the last two days.

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Category: Preschool Room 2

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