What do you see in the sky?

| August 12, 2016

Our toddlers enjoyed our What’s in the sky theme this week. We started the week out talking about  birds that fly in the sky. We made bird mobiles that we can hang anywhere we want to. We then discussed how we can look at things in the sky by using binoculars and telescopes. We decided we wanted to make our own binoculars to look at items in the sky. The toddlers love butterflies, so we decided to incorporate butterflies in our lesson this week. We talked about how a butterfly has this special process it goes through to become a butterfly. We named all the different butterfly wing colors that we could see. We used sponges as our paint medium and made our very own butterfly. Lastly, we ended the week talking about airplanes that zoom in the sky. We decorated our paper airplanes and flew them all around class. image image image

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