What has CH-2 been up to?
CH-2 is blooming into our learning journey. We have worked effortlessly to learn the alphabet in detail. You will not believe all the songs we’ve learned to remember what each letter sounds makes and have detailed list of words from a-n! We will move on through the alphabet in the new year. It is possible our brains will explode with all this knowledge!
Not only have we focused on letters, but we’ve also learned the seven continents biggest too small. We can almost count to 50 as a group. We are learning 2D vs 3D shapes as well. In the past months, we celebrated our families and are thankful we made it to the 12 month of the year. The holidays are coming quickly. We are taking time to be kind, gentle, and present this season. We wish all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, and Merry Everything!
Love The Friends in CH-2!
Category: Preschool, Preschool Room 2