Wonderful “W” Week

| April 1, 2016

In Toddler Room 1, it was all about the Letter W this Week. We went over a lot of W Words such as work cycle, wheels, watermelon, whales, warm, week, Winter, and many more. Our toddlers enjoyed all of the crafts we had this week. We painted blue whales and listened to how they sing. We also had Water Play with different animals that live under the say. We introduced Science Wednesdays this week and made Magic Milk. Our
Toddlers were so intrigued by this.

Lastly, we made Watermelons and the toddlers distinguished the colors that they were using to paint them. IMG_0888On Fun Friday to top off our Wonderful “W” Week, we ate some Watermelon. We also have a new friend in our Toddler Room 1 named Taylor.IMG_0893

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