Yellow Submarine

| August 5, 2016

The past few weeks at Montessori of Carrboro have been filled with North Carolina facts, magic tricks and boats. CH 1-2 learned about theĀ NC state bird, tree and flower. thumbnail_IMG_4952We had pictures printed out and placed on the wall for reference. Last week was all about magic tricks. The kids found this theme especially fun. Our class did a “magic trick” by mixing vinegar and baking soda in a cup and watched what happened. Then we joined the toddler class and saw what happened when you put those same ingredients in a sealed plastic bag, it ended with a loud pop! Mr. Alan fascinated the children with floating sticks and disappearing coins. It was a very eventful week. This week we learned about boats! The class enjoyed learning about submarines and listening to Yellow Submarine by The Beatles on repeat. We read three books with different boat themes and examined boats found in famous artwork. We ended our week by finishing up our giant pirate ship that will be placed on the wall by the classroom potty.

A quick reminder that summer is almost over. We have two weeks until the curriculumĀ begins. I will slowly be adjusting back to the normal school year schedule. It is posted in our classroom by the door and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

As Always,

Thank you for all of your support and encouragement.


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